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[Academic Exchange] The Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University Successfully Held 2023 "Dermatovenerology Teaching Seminar of Yellow River Basin"

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In order to promote high-quality collaborative development of undergraduate teaching in dermatovenereology in the Yellow River Basin and strengthen inter-school cooperation and exchange, the “Dermatovenereology Teaching Seminar for Yellow River Basin” was held in Jinan from 17-19 March. The conference was hosted by Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences), organized by the Department of Dermatovenereology of the School of Clinical and Basic Medicine, and co-organized by the Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Provincial Hospital) and the Dermatology Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University. More than 50 experts from the departments of Dermatovenereology from medical colleges and universities in Qinghai, Sichuan, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Zhejiang, Shandong and other places were invited to participate in the live exchange. Zhao Jiajun, the president of Shandong Provincial Hospital, Zhang Furen, the member of the school (hospital) party committee, the Vice-Chancellor (vice president of hospital), the director of the Department of Dermatovenereology, and the president of the affiliated Dermatology Hospital, and Liu Chuanyong, the vice president of the school (vice president of hospital), attended the opening ceremony and spoke on behalf of the hospital, the department and the school. Dang Ningning, the deputy director of the Department of Dermatovenereology and the director of the Department of Dermatology at the Shandong Provincial Hospital, presided the opening ceremony. The seminar focused on the reform and innovation of teaching models. The theme was distinctive, the content was exciting, and the popularity of online broadcasts reached 20,000 times.

The conference set up the special lectures, which presided by Sun Zhijian, the member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Shandong Provincial Hospital, and Wang Bo, the head of the Ministry of Education. Liu Chuanyong, the ice-Chancellor (vice president of hospital), Wang Zhenya, from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Liu Jihai, the deputy director of emergency department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Qiao Jianjun, the director of dermatology department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, and Dang Ningning, the director of dermatology department of Shandong Provincial Hospital, respectively made the theme reports on "Higher Medical Education Reform and Integrated Curriculum Construction", "Shared Teaching Practice and Thinking Based on Virtual Teaching and Research Section", "Application of CBL in Clinical Teaching", "Experience Sharing of Dermatology Department of First Hospital of Zhejiang University" and "Application of Mixed Teaching Based on Massive Open Online Course in Dermatovenereology"

In the exchange of teaching experience, Dang Ningning, the director of dermatology department of Shandong Provincial Hospital, Liuhong, the vice president of Affiliated Dermatology Hospital, and You Jiabao, the chief of science and education department of Affiliated Dermatology Hospital presided over the exchange activities. Ye Juan, the director of dermatology department of affiliated to the Hospital of Qinghai University; Yu Nan, the director of dermatology department of General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University, Zhang Guoqiang, the director of dermatology department of First Hospital of Hebei Medical University, He Yuanming, the deputy of dermatology department of First Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Liu Hongye, the deputy director of dermatology department of Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University, Fu Dandan, the director of dermatology department of First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University, Wang Jun, the director of dermatology department of affiliated hospital of Qingdao University, Lu Bin, the director of dermatology department of affiliated hospital of Jining Medical University, Ma Lei, the director of dermatology department of affiliated hospital of Binzhou Medical University, and Ma Weiyuan, the director of dermatology department of Weifang Medical University, shared and exchanged their teaching experiences and teaching characteristics respectively. Participating experts and scholars had a lively discussion on how to jointly promote the high-quality development of undergraduate education in the Yellow River Basin and the construction of "First-Class Medical Courses" in universities.

Ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin are major national strategies. Co-building, sharing, and collaborative innovation have become the main tone for the high-quality development of education in the Yellow River Basin. In July 2022, the Yellow River Basin Medical College Alliance was launched by 14 medical schools including Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences), Southwest Medical University, North Sichuan Medical College, Ningxia Medical University, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Shanxi Medical University, Changzhi Medical College, Xinxiang Medical University, Weifang Medical University, Binzhou Medical University, and Jining Medical University. The mission of the establishment of the Alliance is to strengthen exchanges and cooperation among universities and promote high-quality collaborative development of medical education in the Yellow River Basin. In December 2022, with the approval of the Shandong Provincial Department of Education, the Collaborative Innovation Center for Skin Health and High-quality Development in the Yellow River Basin officially settled in Shandong First Medical University. The center is guided by the major national strategy to serve the Yellow River Basin, with the strategic goal and positioning of building a leading domestic and world-class innovation center and a talent cultivation base for precise diagnosis and treatment of dermatology and to create a shared management and operation mechanism for multiple parties.

This seminar is one of the important contents of the Construction for Yellow River Basin Medical College Alliance and the Yellow River Basin Collaborative Innovation Center for Skin Health and High-quality Development. Focusing on the core goal of improving the undergraduate teaching quality of Dermatovenereology, the participating experts and scholars sought the integration of high-quality teaching resources and explored complementary cooperation, deeply discussed the ideas and goals of the development of undergraduate teaching of Dermatovenereology, analyzed the joint points of their respective work, and clarified the breakthrough of deepening cosurgery, thus laying a good foundation for win-win cooperation.
